Apb Reloaded Makros
Dec 14, 2018 - In my last match, right after my first kill (go figure, right?), the opponent I killed accused me of cheating by using macro; whatever the hell that is. Sort by Flair: [OFFICIAL]. Links to stuff: APB Reloaded Forums APB Patch Notes APB Reloaded Twitter Little Orbit Twitter.

Originally posted by C4T:Step 1) equip sr15 carbine with cj3 Step 2) bind your fire weapon to mouse wheel down Step 3) make your mouse wheel loose (only works on some mouses) The controls take some time to learn, but it's all worth it. I'ts worth trying out, please leave some comments:) Well technically, Mouse wheel isn't even considered a Macro since it's a button feature in game. Macro is more when you use Logitech or Razer or some other 3rd Party software to do the clicking for you. I have a Logitech Mouse with a Speed Wheel and it doesn't make much difference.
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