Aplikasi Antrian
Kedai Apps adalah menyediakan aplikasi berbasis cloud seperti Point Of Sale POS,Human resource development HRD,Bengkel,Antrian dan CRM.
PDF (NASKAH PUBLIKASI) NASKAH PUBLIKASI BAMBANG.pdf PDF (PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI) PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI BAMBANG SUTIKNO.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only Abstract Karanggede Public Health Centre is an public health service located in Boyolali. As a Public Health Centre in a village, this public service implemented manual queue system (written documentation and announcement by the officer). This system caused various problems those are name missannouncing by the officer, the inequivalence of queue cards amount and the amount of the patient, and the long duration of the patients to take the queue cards. This research aims at creating queue application to overcome those problems. Method which is used in this research is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This application is build by the use of VB 6.0 programming language and MySQL database. The result of Blackbox testing shows that all the functions of the system run well.
In line with this result the result of the questionnaires given to 15 persons shows the average score 67.8%. Ca erwin data modeler r73 crack. In conclusion, this application can operate the queue system well, effectively, and efficiently.
Item Type: Karya ilmiah (Diploma) Uncontrolled Keywords: Public health centre, Queue, SDLC, VB 6.0 Subjects: Divisions: Depositing User: Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2017 05:55 Last Modified: 07 Jun 2017 05:55 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perancangan program aplikasi antrian multiserver pada Bank dengan melibatkan waktu vacation. Program aplikasi ini dirancang dengan tujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada nasabah/ customer tentang rata-rata waktu lama customer menunggu dalam antrian. Program aplikasi ini dikembangkan berdasarkan teori-teori antrian multiserver dengan melibatkan prosedur vacation.
Notasi M yang pertama menunjukkan nilai rata-rata jumlah kedatangan customer per jam ( ), di mana berdistribusi poisson. Notasi M yang kedua menunjukkan nilai rata-rata jumlah customer yang dilayani per jam ( ), di mana berdistribusi eksponensial.
Notasi C menunjukkan jumlah server yang diteliti. Pada penelitian ini, jumlah server yang diteliti sebanyak 5 buah. Vacation adalah rata-rata waktu lama server berhenti per kejadian dalam melayani untuk sementara waktu. Dikarenakan studi kasus penelitian ini adalah sistem antrian Bank, maka sistem antrian yang digunakan adalah FIFO ( First In First Out).
Keluaran dari program aplikasi ini berupa nilai rata-rata atau nilai ekspektasi, di mana nilainya tidak akan selalu tepat dengan realitanya. Akan tetapi dengan menggunakan prosedur vacation, maka keakuratan hasilnya dapat terjamin. Kata kunci:, aplikasi antrian, antrian vacation, antrian multiserver. In this paper we create the application program of Bank multisever queueing system with vacation. This application program is designed with the purpose of providing information to customer. The information is average of customer’s waiting length time in queue. So, customers can find out how long they will be in queue and they can schedule their next activities.
This application program is developed based on theories of multiserver queue involves vacation procedure. First M notation shows average of customers’ arrival number per hour value ( ), where is distributed by poisson distribution. Second M notation shows average of customer’s served number per hour value ( ), where is distributed by exponential distribution. C notation shows number of searched servers, which number of searched servers are 5. Multiserver shows that number of searched servers more than one. Vacation is average length of servers stop time per incident for awhile. Because of this essay case study is Bank system queuing, the queue discipline used is FIFO (First In First Out).
Keep in mind that the output of this application program is average value or expected value, so that the results will not always be appropriate to the reality. However, because this application program using procedure vacation, then the result can be guaranteed for accuracy. Download naruto shippuden 337 subtitle bahasa indonesia. Keywords:, queue application, vacation queue, multiserver queue.