Captain Tsubasa J Full Episode Sub Indo Hwa
Credit to: credit to:. Episodio Uno de la serie SuperCampeones, en.
• • • Daftar dan, terutama yang telah beredar dan disiarkan di. Daftar ini merujuk pada judul dan yang diterbitkan di Indonesia, sehingga sebagian judul akan berbeda dengan judul aslinya.
Hi guys, this is the first Captain Tsubasa film series all episodes (1-128). Mostly are in English sub and the rest are in Polish sub. (EDIT: will update them ASAP).
Credits to: @Girish K (for the first 31 English sub episodes) @Mrozo2222 (for the Polish sub episodes, so all the 128 episodes can be made available) AnimeTV and WAOAnimeTV (for the mid to near end English sub episodes) Full list of episodes (source: Wikipedia): Season 1: 1983-84 (1-56) 1-The New Soccer Star 2-A Career Begins 3-Kick-Off for the Future 4-The Football is My Best Friend 5-Where is the Rival?
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