Cara Hack Password Wifi Menggunakan Wireshark Tutorial Pdf
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Hack WiFi using WifiSlax 4.11 in Mac OS X and Windows By using an Bootable USB, we w e can boot WifiSlax on both Mac or Windows PC. At for Mac, after press the Power button, ust!eep holding the 'ption!ey to go to the Boot #enu. $n this instruction, we did on a Windows Laptop. Step 1:%urn 'ff the &aptop, plug the USB into, then boot into the USB. 'ro# the wifiSlax screen, select the third line to go to (nglish Menus. Step 2:%hen select the first &ine to start running wifiSlax 'S Step : Select Wifislax Wit!
'#$ #esktop Step 4: Wait for seconds to go to Wifislax #ektop Step%:%here are ways to crac! Wi'i )etwor!s using this software. $n the range of this writing, $ will do with Linset * Start + WifiSlax + Wpa + &inset + (nter. Step &:%his step, Wi'i Cards will be shown up. (nter the order nu#ber of the Cards -in the case you hae #ore than one Wi'i cards/. Step ): $nte( 1 to get the aailable Wi'i networ!s list.%he list of Wi'i networ!s around you will appear, press Ctrl0 C to stop scanning #ore. Step *: Choose the targeted Wi'i by $nte( t!e o(de( nu+,e(.
$ wanted to hac! The Wi'i na#ed 1lte2, so $ enter 14. Step -: Choose Hostapd by entering 1. Step 1: (nter 1 to choose $st(icte. Step 11: (nter 1 to choose /eali0a( desaut. +assia al 3 o,etie $n this step, choosing 3 will go bac!
Wi'i list, and choosing 4 will end the progra#. Step 12:%he airodu#p+ng will appear to catch WPA 5andsha!e. $f in this step, WPA 5andsha!e can not be reali6ed, go,ack to step 1 and c!ose nu+,e( 2. Step 1: (nter 1 to choose Si Step 14: (nter 1 to choose 'nte(face we, +out(a Step 1%: Choose the language by enter the corresponding nu#ber, then ta!e a sleep to see the result soon.
Step 1&: &inset now will #a!e the &aptops or S#art phones which is connecting to the targeted Wi'i networ!, then generate a fa!e Wi'i )etwor! The# to oin. Step 1):%he client will see the two Wi'i )etwor! In the sa#e na#e.%hey tend to enter the password to atte#pt connect to both real Wi'i )etwor! And the 'a!e one. &inset will auto#atically catch the Password infor#ation (ntered by the client.%he Wi'i Password is hac!ed successfully After this topic, we now should!now which WiFi c(acking tool is the #ost powerful wifi!acke(.
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