Anti Exterminate – Anti Ban – Anti Hack – Anti Money – Free Cod. Download CS 1.6 lanT – Original – 2016 Free – sXeHacks – Models. Aimbot e Wall. Counter-Strike 1.6 hacks & cheats. Aimbot, wallhack & speedhack for Counter-Strike Search for cs hack Search our cheat database for cs cheats. Anti HL-Guard Download EnhancedAim Cracked CS1.6 Downloaded 430.074 times. FGC Wallhack v7 Released: Apr 5, 2011 - Unknown. Features: Bone Aimbot.

Features: - Custom PanicKey - Vector AimBot / AimKey / FOV, Smooth, DrawFOV, DrawVec - BoxESP / DistanceESP / FarESP / NameESP / VisibleESP - PlayerGlow / WallHack / ThirdPerson - Radar / RadarPosition (X,Y,Thickness) / RadarColour (R/G/B/A) - CrossHair (1/2/3/4) / CrossHairColour (R/G/B/A) - FlashRemoval / FlashPercentage (0/100%) - BunnyHop / BunnyHopKey - RussianDuck (1 = RussianDuckKey / 2 = LCTRL) - TimeAndDate - LTFXSpeed / LTFXSpeedKey (0 = Off / Value divided by 5) - Adjustable Configurations (In/Out Game) - Non-Steam Compatible Downloaded 292.980 times.

~# DOWNLOAD LINK #~ 1). VT Scans: PubJoy.dll =. Currently working on CS 1.6 Non Steam ( all version ) CS 1.6 Steam Patched (warzone) CS 1.6 Steam (dont use it!) VAC BAN!! 1) Open cs 1.6 2) Open injector.exe 3) Inject with Pubjoy.dll 4) Write HL Here the screen how to use Enjoy the HACK!!

MENU = Insert! SUB MY CHANNEL 4 MORE LEGIT HACKS!! FEATURE: -AMXX AntiBan: will only work for CS WARZONE -CSProtector: will block malicious commands which server admins often love to send to the client to screw up your CS 1.6 (and you will have to reinstall it). -Triggerbot: will shoot for you when an enemy could be hit in your crosshair. -Active (1) - activates the triggerbot. -HeadOnly (1) - will shoot only if could make a headshot. -ProSpread (1) - will shoot depending on your bullet spread (allows you to make legit airshots without met0ri) -TriggerThruWalls (1) - will shoot trough walls only if it would damage the enemy.

(wallbang) -AimAtEveryone (1) - good for DM servers with only one team. -IgnoreSpawnProtect (1) - don't shoot at enemy which is in playerglow mode set by the server (spawnprotect in DM/GG/Respawn servers) -Aimbot: will move your crosshair to your enemy when you shoot them. FULL FEATURES.!! -Speed: allows you to move way faster than normal.

FULL FEATURES. Firespeed.:) -Esp: allows you to see enemies behind walls with a text or rectangles.

FULL FEATURES. -OpenGL: allows you to modify your video setting or just see whole enemies trough walls. FULL FEATURES.

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Chams- wallhack(2type) - radar -weaponglow. No flash - no smoke -Misc: allows you to enable extra effects on your game. Lessflash(1-2-3) - Crosshair.

Chasecam (1-2) -KZHacks: helps you with different movement actions. -BunnyHop (1): allows you to keep on jumping without the slowing effect. -GroundHop[ALT] (1): while holding the ALT key it will repeat on doing 'double duck' without the slowing effect.

Combine this with autostrafes to boost your movement like a speedhack (without lag). Good for servers which block speedhacking or in HNS servers. -FastRun (1): Allows you to run faster with any weapons (Knife from 250 units up to 279 units) -NoFallDamage (1): if you fall from too high it will block the damaging effect on your player. -DoStrafes[E] (1): When you hold down the [E] button (+use) it will do strafes to boost your movement. -DoAutoStrafesInAir (1): will do automaticly strafes when you are in mid air.

-BoostStrafesFPS (1): increases FPS to a value higher than 100 for faster strafes (undetected). (1): use this only if you are sure the server you play on is having sv_airaccelerate 100 for better strafes boost results. -ShowMoveSpeed (1): shows the movespeed you are currently having in units/sec.