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Compatibility: in Lazarus and Free Pascal) FreeBSD, 32-bit and 64-bit (only in Lazarus and Free Pascal). C++Builder 6 Build 10.166) Lazarus 1.6 and Free Pascal 3.0. 0 for Windows, Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms Only Architect, Enterprise, and Professional IDE editions are supported. For Delphi/C++Builder XE and higher SDAC additionally supports Starter Edition. Lazarus and Free Pascal are supported only in Trial Edition and Professional editions with source code.
Direct mode is available for all. SQL Server Data Access Components (SDAC) is a library of components that provides access to Microsoft SQL Server databases from Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7/XE6/XE5/XE4/XE3/XE2/XE, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009/2007, Borland Developer Studio 2006, Turbo Delphi Professional, Turbo Delphi for.NET Professional, Turbo C++ Professional, Borland Delphi 2005, Borland Delphi 7/6/5, Borland C++Builder 6, Lazarus 1.2.4 and Free Pascal 2.6.4 for Win32 and Win64 platforms. SDAC connects to SQL Server directly through OLE DB, which is a native SQL Server interface. The SDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner SQL Server database applications.
More Software from Devart: • - dbForge SQL Decryptor is a free database tool that allows decrypting SQL Server procedures,functions,triggers and views, which supports most versions and editions of the Microsoft SQL Server and requires no DAC connection,decrypts all object types. For Delphi/C++Builder XE and higher SDAC additionally. (SDAC) library offers a set of. Fixed bug with AV failure on project compilation in Delphi 7. • - SSMS add-in for analyzing the status of SQL indexes and fixing issues with index fragmentation.
The tool allows you to quickly collect index fragmentation statistics and detect databases that require maintenance. • - dbForge Object Search for SQL Server is a free add-in for SQL Server Management Studio that allows you to search SQL objects and data in your databases. • - SSMS add-in for filling SQL databases with external source data and migrating data between systems.
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The tool supports 10+ widely used data formats and includes a number of advanced options and templates for recurring scenarios • - dbForge Source Control for SQL Server is a SSMS add-in for managing SQL Server database changes in source control. The tool can link your databases to all popular source control systems, and delivers smooth and clear workflow in a familiar interface. Please direct any questions or bugs regarding software to the company that developed the program. Rocket Download is not responsible for any problems that may occur from downloading or installing software that listed here. We are merely a software download directory and search engine of shareware, freeware programs available on the Internet. However report a problem you have had with any individual software listed here and we will delete it promptly.
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