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Hope Crowell her deadly serve. The JV squad thi The Lady Blackhawks come together. PA C 0 X-Ray MRI 'Guaranteed Mold Prevention' Bo Good 1 o ner 210-3635 r. 677-5010 I ph 677-5110 I fax 146 Larch LaneS PO Box 347 • Seele Lake. A blend of 'glee' and 'geek' Locavores: people who eat locally grown food.
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Consider donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation! They give you stickers! I had Geek Squad work on an old computer and got it back with a copy of their MRI disc. I'll admit, that disc is pretty handy. It's a live disc which boots on UEFI and BIOS motherboards to a preinstalled environment that automatically loads an offline OS's registry hive. From what I can see, a lot of the tools they use are 3rd party programs that can be got for free (Ccleaner, TDSS Killer, MBAM, Sysinternals clones etc) and a few I can't find yet (SAMurai, for instance, for deleting local passwords).
They also have scripts they wrote (at least I think they wrote it) that can do some pretty nifty automated stuff. However, I can't find a program that the startup manager was based off (seems like more than autoruns). It categorizes the registry and allows you to view and delete entries. Even if it's just autoruns, how do you incorporate it into a live cd that automatically loads offline OS hives? I used to work for Geek Squad as an Advanced Repair Agent, Operations Agent, and Consultation Agent, so I basically did a little of everything there over the years I worked there.