Lister Petter Engines - Current Models. Type Production Years Type Production Years Type Production Years Type Production Years 4X90 2001 - AC1 1985 AD1 1984 DWS4 1997 LPA2 1988 LPA3 1988 - LPW2 1988 LPW4 1988 LPWS2 1988 LPWS3 1988 LPWS4 1989 LPWT4 1996 - LPW3 1988 LT1 1974 LV1 1983 TR1 1985 TR2 1985 TR3 1985 TS1 1983 TS2 1983 TS3 1983 - TX2 1987 - 2001 TX3 1987 Lister Engines - Obsolete Models.

Franson Coordtrans V23 Crackrar January 22, 2018 Franson Coordtrans V23 Crackrar glyoly Franson Coordtrans V2.3 Crack.rar Franson coordtrans v23 serial number.

Lister Petter Engine ID Serial Numbers and Dating The links below demonstrate the engine serial number patterns used by Lister and Lister-Petter from 1930 to 2000. It is important to remember however that in some cases, engine serial numbers were stamped incorrectly or failed to follow the specified pattern. Jul 16, 2017  Re: Lister D Serial Number. Early DH models (1926 onwards) used 5-digit and later a 6-digit serial numbers (starting at 80,000). They changed to actual production count numbering in 1951 and adopted the Z character to designate anti-clockwise rotation. If your serial conforms to the documented norms, then yours will be the 763rd engine built in.

Lister Petter Diesel Engine Identification Lister Petter Diesel Engines Identification Images shown below are by no means a definitive guide as to the identification of Listerdiesel engines, but show general ranges in certain specifications. Almost all Lister and Lister-Petterengines were produced in numerous guises and specifications, with differing engine rotations, power take offs and ancillaries, all of which can lead to different appearances of the same engine model. It must also be remembered that many Lister and Lister-Petter diesel engines look very similar but only for a few small distinguishing external features, so the images below should be taken as no more than a rough guide.Only some models are illustrated.