PJRC MP3 Player, Firmware, Compiled Images and Open-Source Code You are here: Firmware Download PJRC Store MP3 Player Firmware Download MP3 Player Firmware Download The code for these firmware image files are licensed under the GNU General Public License (). We believe in the philosophy of, often also called open source software. We would like to encourage you to read the source code and modify it as you like, within the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Development Code (Work In Progress) allows you to obtain a ready-to-use firmware image of the very latest developmental code. You may also obtain the very latest source code from our. Firmware Download An 'Image File' is a downloadable firmware image that is encoded in Intel-Hex (.HEX extension).

This tool will download and update the correct MPMan MP3 Player driver versions automatically, protecting you against installing the wrong MP3 Player drivers. About The Author: Jay Geater is the President and CEO of Solvusoft Corporation, a global software company focused on providing innovative utility software.

The source code is provided with a Makefile, that will build this Intel-Hex file. Latest Stable Firmware is: 0.6.90 Rev Download Files Description 0.6.90 Image File: Source Code: Improved 'random' modes. Tree list works (file/dir browsing). Remembers which file was playing, rebooting no longer always starts back at the first song.

Fixed little 'blips' of buffered sound when switching between files. Many other bugs fixed! Display code cleaned up, much easier to modify for custom display. 0.6.10 Image File: Source Code: Improved FPGA timing is the main improvement in this rev, which should improve compatibility with more SIMMs.

A minor bug was fixed in ID3 processing that would cause problems with certain ID3 tags aligned on cluster boundaries (special thanks to Robert Staph who sent a MP3 file with one of these ID3 tags). More information is displayed at startup on the LCD, to help users troubleshoot with an LCD but no PC attached to the serial port. 0.6.9 Image File: Source Code: Fixed several bugs and improved simm detection. A small memory corruption bug while moving to a new file if the old one was still being read from the drive has been fixed (in 0.6.8 this would eventually result in a lot of IDE errors requiring a reboot). A small memory leak was also fixed. Improvements in the IDE drivers recovery from bad sectors or other errors are included.

Tom fixed the defaults for tone controls. The simm detection code is redesigned to make fewer assumptions about simm types, which allows some previously unusable simms to work (at reduced capacity). Other incompatible simms are now correctly detected. The simm test command 'T' does more useful tests and usually prints more useful information. 0.6.8 Image File: Source Code: FPGA rev 1.12, fixes long-standing problems with fan-out on some critical signals (that the Xilinx software reported were fine. Shame on Xilinx). Also a few firmware bugs have been fixed, and a significant SDCC C compiler bug was recently fixed, and this is the first rev compiled with the updated SDCC C compiler.

0.6.7 Image File: Source Code: FPGA rev 1.11, interface with 8051 redesigned with simpler address latch and new mini state machines to request and ack the read cycle. At least in initial testing, this appears to dramatically improve the player's stability. 0.6.6 Image File: Source Code: More firmware bug fixes (mostly minor), and FPGA rev 1.10.

By entering my email address. I certify that the information I am providing is accurate and that i am atleast 18 years of age. Otveti na testi po sanminimumu dlya provodnikov. By entering my email address. I certify that the information I am providing is accurate and that i am atleast 18 years of age.

Several people reported problems with FGPA ver 1.10, so this rev may or may not work well on your board. 0.6.5 Image File: Source Code: Bug fixes from 0.6.4.

The play mode is again correctly displayed, and several other minor related problems are fixed (a custom SDCC compiler peephole optimization was causing compiler errors). The tone frequency adjustments are now made in 1/3 octave steps.

Mpman firmware update 2017

All tone parameters are checked for validity, so garbage in the non-volatile parameters will no longer cause the player to run without making any sound. If you suffered any of these bugs from 0.6.4, now's the time to upgrade! 0.6.4 Image File: Source Code: It's been a long time in the making. Many performance improvements and bugs fixes. This rev should be much more stable than all the previous 0.6.x's. Directory scanning code is faster. Many parts of the LCD navigation are improved (mostly thanks to Tom).

Dave Johnson's dynamic TONE_ATTN idea is implemented, which allows full output voltage without losing the tone controls. Many new little features are also included, like random and sequential play over the entire drive, as well as individual directories.

Known bugs: TBD. Stability: TBD (your feedback is welcome) Image File: Source Code: Unstable. Zach added code that plays all the MP3 files on the hard drive, even if they're in subdirectories (up to 5 levels deep)!! There is some start-up delay as the code reads all the directories on the drive. Ian added adjustment of the bass and treble roll-off frequencies.