The National Society of Compliance Professionals is a nonprofit, membership organization dedicated to serving and supporting the compliance professional in the financial services industry. NSCP is for compliance, by compliance.


Free gce 8160b cd r rw driver. NSCP membership provides financial services compliance professionals with a wide range of resources including a community of like-minded peers, continuing education to further their knowledge and specialized skills, and regulatory involvement through representation of compliance interests. NSCP 2019 Spring Events Don’t miss these NSCP Spring Events – registration to open in January • March 4 – Regulatory Interchange in Miami, FL • April 2 – Regulatory Interchange in New York, NY • April 30 – May 1 – Spring Conference and Regulatory Interchange in Chicago, IL *The Spring Conference will offer two training tracks, designed for new and for seasoned professionals: • TRACK 1: Building Core Competencies – BD & IA Training for New Compliance Professionals • TRACK 2: Today’s Issues and Insights – Coverage for Seasoned Professionals. Join us as we honor International Women’s Day with a candid discussion on the issues facing women and their firms in the compliance industry, including gender gaps in earnings and advancement, work achievement, and opportunities. Hear from a panel of women with diverse backgrounds in compliance on how they have overcome roadblocks in their careers. Our compliance panelists will be joined by an executive coach that works with women to accelerate their career success. Gain insight and practical advice to help you to succeed in yours.

The National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP) 2015-2016 aims to support schools in promoting the wellbeing of students by providing funds that contribute to the maintenance or establishment of chaplaincy services in the school.

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