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Note - the links on this page lead to the reference, where I explain the terms that might be unfamilar to you. Thursday 01/25/96: When something doesn't work out, it blows the significance of event out of proportion, so I feel bad. If I succeed at something, entropy immediately tries to downplay the importance and usefulness of achievement.
Odinakovaja fign'a, i vse napirajut, chto kto-to u nih sgruzil plany po marketingu. Kakomu hakeru nuzhny durackie plany po marketingu?! Net, oni uporno ispol'zujut slovo haker. S tem zhe uspehom mozhno valit' v odnu kuchu vseh, kto umeet pol'zovat's'a oruzhiem - i biatloncev, i ubijc. * Bezdarnost' men'a tozhe razdrazhaet. This page requires JavaScript to function properly. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer you may need to click on the yellow bar above and select 'Allow.
(This is how I can lose the satisfaction from buying things or getting something done). Tuesday 02/13/96 Realization - when I think about something sad and then tell myself: 'Let's change the subject', the thoughts remain sad - because I changed subject, but not my state of mind! Thus, the first thing I have to do is break the state - then I'll be able to think of something more fun. Otherwise I get stuck in worries.
Wednesday 02/14/96 I've set some goals for myself, now moving toward them. Came up with a way to deal with user's complaints - put them in a stack and get to them once the major projects are completed. Otherwise they distract me, the realization that I distracted will affect my mood and I won't reach the bigger goals. Thursday 02/15/96 Need a special technique against overwhelming. If I am attacked from several sides in a short period of time, I lose it.
As I noted in March, Minimoog V allows you to adjust the duty cycles of its pulse waves, so the choice is yours. The result is that the sound is amazingly close to that of my Minimoog, from the bottom of the keyboard at 32' to the top at 2'. Nonetheless, if you want perfect square waves, you can have them. A more significant problem in v1.1 lay with the ramp+triangle wave, which was very different from that of the Minimoog itself. Arturia minimoog v crack mac.
Ideas: 1) Priority - if new one is urgent, immediately make the others low prior and stop thinking about them. 2) Define a separate confidence (apart from 'good mood anchor'). 3) Use a cassette to get back to normal 4) Metaphor: goal is a far away source of light at the end of the corridor; challenges are little obstacles on the way - it's dark, so every time I jump over a barrier, I realize that I got closer to the goal. The distractions are the silly pictures on the wall which I lit up with my flashlight now and then. Tuesday 02/20/96 Idea - words carry both informational and emotional content.
Being able to separate them, as well as seeing other person's intent is extremely useful. Thursday 02/22/96 One more - since singing is like breathing exercise, try to sing when out of air - see what happens. * Anytime you have to choose between solving immediate problem and, DO IP! It will even help you solve the challenge faster. And you'll get a lot more pleasure out of doing it. On the other hand, if you rush thru challenges in bad state, solving them won't improve a thing.