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Old News 1999-2002 News from the old site blog. Many links may be out of date.
Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art is a richly insightful exploration of the medium of comics told, appropriately enough, in. Understanding Comics – The Books Of Scott McCloud. By Aaron Muszalski at 3:38 PM on July 25, 2008. Is certainly due, at least in part, to the controversial revolutions McCloud advocated in. Aug 8, 2018 - Apr 23, 2014 Nightstud 3 Game Free Download Mega. Reinventing comics scott mccloud. Diagbox patch rapidshare. Books by scott mccloud.
Note that from late 2006 through 2008, my and the became our primary news outlets. 1999-2002 2002 12/28: My two favorite T-Shirts: The Camouflage shirt that says 'Ha! Now, You Can't See Me!'
And, of course, the ever-popular. I'd tell you where to buy them, but I'm not sure. Possibly Hot Topic for the first one. 12/26: a 24-hour comic like no other. 12/26: If you were interested in joining us for the MIT Seminar, that one was for students only I'm afraid (and sold out to boot). If you'd be interested in a Boston area Seminar in the future, let me know. 12/25: Survived another one!
12/20: We're going to -- unofficially. Catch us wandering around if you can. 12/15: Here's a with an interesting approach.
12/12: If you're thinking of making a few charitable contributions this holiday season, and the are two great comics-based organizations to consider. 12/10: (Script by Yours Truly) just solicited in Diamond Previews, shipping in February.
It's an all-ages story that I was strangely fond of. Be sure to pick one up. 11/28: I was updating my to finally include The-Four-Who-Must-Be-Named-For-Easier-Linking and was reminded of what a big, funny, wonderful comic Dylan Meconis' is. If you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor. Andrew Taylor, who created, also wrote about me in the Las Vegas Mercury, prior to my talk in Sin City on November 2nd.
Thanks, Andrew. 11/26: Interesting day. 11/20: Nowhere Girl is Back!
11/19: Thank you to everybody who stopped by for my talk at It was a blast. 11/14: The fabulous Diana Schutz sent me this picture of Frank Miller (right) and I at SPX in Sept.
Check out Frank today on NPR's 11/05: Uh-Oh. 11/05: Two new sites are now on my morning reading list each day: Dirk Deppey's.
11/02: Meet me at. Also appearing Saturday are Gilbert Hernandez, Bill Griffith, Steve Gerber and Steve Darnall. 10/30: Here's a by Kenn Minter. 10/29: Michele Salvador of Italy has put together a great flash version of 'Carl - Original Recipe' (see Online Comics). 10/23:, Merlin's at it again! 10/21: is live Subscribe today! 10/20: One of my students at Maine (6th from the left in the photo) just happened to be Mr.