Sistem Informasi Penggajian Pegawai Berbasis Web
Mar 27, 2018 - Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian Karyawan Berbasis Web Pada PT. MINTRA INTI BERSAMA Jakarta. Author Super STMIK; Vivi.
Preview PDF (Cover - Bab I) PDF (Bab II - Daftar Pustaka) Restricted to Repository staff only Abstract Today the development of science and technology is growing rapidly, this is evidenced by the number of company or agency that uses a computerized system as a tool to facilitate the completion of the work, improve work efficiency and make the company or agency has a good level of performance. Pelangi is located in the Griya Permata Gedangan L4-14. Sidoarjo is a company engaged in tour and travel services. Pelangi trying to reform in terms of employee payroll management, this is due to the persistence of the internal problems that slow the flow of information desired by the company management in making decisions. These improvements are expected to help overcome the problems that exist, so as to facilitate the decision making process as appropriate.
The purpose of this design is to apply an Employee Payroll Management Information System Web Based so as to facilitate the performance of the company to get information fast, correct, relevant and accurate. The results showed that application of the Employee Payroll Management Information System can assist in data collection and facilitate the reporting of employees each month. Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate) Subjects: Divisions: Depositing User: Users 2 not found. Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2012 08:06 Last Modified: 20 Sep 2012 08:06 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.
Downlond lagu nano separuh aku skull. SISTEM INFORMASI PENGGAJIAN PEGAWAI PADA KANTOR POS PERWOREJO BERBASIS WEB Denny Herlambang, Putro Juliantoro W, Eddy Kurniawan, Akhmad Dahlan STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA.2013 A B S T R A C T The development of computer technology, especially when it has a very important role for the community. The technology is expected to evolve as the demands of times a supporting infrastructure to handle, manage and resolve problems that arise in an organization or company. System was running on PT.
Pos Perworejo not fully using the computerized system. By using the manual system requires a lot of time and effort.
Pos Perworejo need a system that can provide timely and accurate information in a data processing employee payroll. This thesis provides a solution for PT.
Pos Perworejo that require processing of payroll data, payroll data presentation and calculation of salary. The information system is built using the programming language PHP and backed with MySQL as the database. With the information system is expected to minimize problems in data processing employee payroll. Keywords: information systems, employee payroll, client server. Category Non Degree Posted Date 24 Juni 2013 Modified Date 24 Juni 2013 Download File.