Wic Reset Key Crack Download
One of the most common problems that Epson L120’s user usually encounter with is Red Blinking error. You might see the warning message on the printer or on your LCD screen or even on your computer, which suggests you to contact Epson Support Centre. Read on to learn more about this error.
Click to get: Why Epson L120 get blinking red light The main cause for red light blinking error of Epson L120 is the Waste Ink Pads. Epson L120 is designed with a Waste Ink Pads which will absorb all wasted ink from the printhead during printing, cleansing nozzle head. Normally, these pads can only contain a certain amount of waste ink which depends on its capacity.
Resetter Epson L300, L210, L350 and Wic Reset Key Crack Tool Free Download For All Epson L Series Printers as well as Epson Adjustment Program. Resetter Epson L300, L210, L350 and Wic Reset Key Crack Tool Free Download For All Epson L Series Printers as well as Epson Adjustment Program. Gmax serial keygen gta. Epson L120 Resetter Epson Adjustment Program.
Normally, the printer can print about 5000- 10000 web pages in black-and-white or 1000-4000 web pages before the pads are full. Once Waste Ink Pad is overflow, the printer will stop working immediately.
As well as that, the printer sends you red light blinking signal to warn you to change to new pads. What to do with Red Light Error Once red light error shows up, you have 3 options. First of all, you could change new waste ink pads at the Epson Support Centre which cost you $50, plus the inconvenient of bring it to the store. As these pads are located at the base of the printer, it is very difficult for you to replace it by yourself.
Secondly, you can continue to use the old pads by washing them. If your printer has a panel underneath, then you can take the pads out easily. After that, you can wash these pads with clean water. Do not use any chemicals on these Waste Ink Pads!
Then, squeeze it and dry it. In case your waste ink pads are placed at the base of the printer, it is very difficult to do that.
Finally, you might consider resetting your Epson L120 Waste Ink Pads by using software like WicReset. WicReset is now available in both PC and Mac.
You can download this software for free but it requires to buy key to reset your printer. Each reset key for WicReset software can only be used once. For the next times, you must buy other reset keys which cost you from $3.99 – $9.99 for each. This price is clearly cheaper than buying the new waste ink pad. Also, it takes you just about few minutes to get back to your jobs.
Using free trial reset key of WicReset Software WicReset software is a useful tool whenever your waste ink pad counters is full. Moreover, you could reset the ink counters with this software for free thanks to free trial reset key. This key will work well with any kinds of printer supporting Wic utility, to know more information, click HERE. Remember, the trial reset key can only be used once for each printer. Although it is free, it still can reset the waste ink counters up to 90%.
• 1 Answer SOURCE: I modified a little what Worldvet had done. I opened the door as if to change the ink cartridges. I first used a pair of needle nosed pliers and carefully took out the sponge type pad which is along bottom of the printhead travel lane. One will see the two center plactic guides within this lane. The sponge is very delicate, so be very gentle in removing it. It has ink residue in it so use gloves if necessary and upon removal place the sponge on a paper towel folded in triplicate so the ink does not bleed through the towel. Remember to what position it was before removal, so there is no problem when you try to replace the sponge after cleaning.
The second sponge I removed as follows: With the power on, I pressed the ink cartridge removal light (red) (far left) once. This moved the print head to the 'far left', before the position to change cartridges. With the power still on and the printhead to the far left, I was able to very gently (with the same needlenose Pliers) remove the sponge under where the printhead was parked.
It too is very delicate and be careful not to rip it. It too, one will find, has two plastic slots on the botton which the sponge will have to be returned into. I then turned the printer off, which caused the printer head to return to the parked position.