Battery EEPROM Works Description Battery EEPROM Works is designed to simplify the process of laptop battery repair. This process can be divided in two parts: cells replacement and fixing the content of EEPROM or integrated Flash of laptop battery controller. While cells replacement is easy and can be made by any technician who can work with welding machine, EEPROM fixing is very complicated and important task and can be made only by the personal with special skills and equipment. Battery EEPROM Works makes this process as easy as 1-2-3. The technician needs just to connect EEPROM chip to adapter and press the button. All the necessary work will be made by the software. The laptop battery data will look like a brand new: Full Charge Capacity will be the same as you entered and will reflect real cells capacity, Cycles Count will be set to zero, and Manufacturer Date will be changed to current system date, Permanent Failure Flag will be removed and all the additional necessary changes will be made too.

This fix should also work with official Sony Batteries too! This process can be divided in two parts: cells replacement and fixing the Recently the battery in my aging laptop (Sony Vaio VGN-NR498E) took a nose dive Battery eeprom works crack. I have Toshiba satellite L500-21R with a 12 cell battery installed in, battery stopped charging and its totally empty but the laptop led indicated that battery is fully charged while OS tells that its empty and not charging, there is no problem in battery cells but laptop disconnects it because it reads that cells are full, i believe resetting battery eeprom memory will make it work again but.

Battery EEPROM Works supports a lot of laptop batteries of different manufactures. Disclaimer Battery EEPROM Works is a product developed.

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How to uninstall Battery EEPROM Works? How do I uninstall Battery EEPROM Works in Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8? • Click 'Start' • Click on 'Control Panel' • Under Programs click the Uninstall a Program link. • Select 'Battery EEPROM Works' and right click, then select Uninstall/Change.