L2 Chest Box Patch Interlude Meaning In Urdu
Greetings, everyone! (That's another method to cause the same effect, so I'll set up a new thread.) Since the mob names of the treasure boxes got fixed (now they're sharing the same name with the regular treasure chests), it is not possible, to distinguish between Treasure Chest (eating your DX Chest Keys attacking you, dropping same crap as a regular mob) and a Treasure Box (opens, if you use such a key, drops enchants / high amount of adena). Well, actually you can use the IG walker, as already mentioned in the existing thread, to see the boxes on the map / on the moblist, but this is kinda dumb, in my opinion (I got pissed after a few boxes). So I edited the npcname-e.dat.
Mar 1, 2018 - Box and Chest Patch for c5 lokadia The toy box create available 18 new. L2 Chest Box Patch Interlude In Death Jd. Igo8 pc version 3 programas. PDF, Large PDF,.
Result: Just place this file into your './Lineage II/system/' dir and start the game. Now you also can set up a regular ingame macro to locate the (good) boxes (/target Treasure Box). But remember: If you pop a box, there's a 50% chance, that this spot gets blocked by a bad one (Chest). So if there are too many chests in your area, just send some of them back to hell. Then some good ones (Boxes) can spawn.;3 Working with C4off servers.
- Berry File URL: (that's not a forum link) for C4 File URL: (also not a forum link) for Interlude File PW: thxjack.epvpftw A-Style on July 15, 2007, 02:52:11 PM. That works pretty well not only with treasures, I've been using that for quite a long time. You can put title on any monster, like a Cave Maiden, you can put an 'EWB!' Title so you know which one spoils it.
You only need L2EncDec + L2Dat to decrypt the npcname-e.dat and edit it the way you want:D I always mess with it, quite fun. Plus undetectable as it's purely client-side, unless there's gameguard to mess with it.

Even tho I'm not going to use this npcname (mine has dozens of edits, not changing em:P), thanks for the share! Mandark on July 16, 2007, 11:20:51 AM. Try here for L2Dat.:) You must know what you're doing or it just won't work. I can't pass the string I used on google to find it as it's a reference to other forum. I only put titles on the mobs I wanted to spoil something specific. Like, you have one mob named 'Cave Maiden', but if you check the npcname, you'll see twice that name with different IDs.
Which one spoils EWB? You can change their title/name and try to spoil one ingame, once you find out which one is, set the title to the one with the right ID for EWB. You could find a list of which mob (by ID - not name) drops/spoils something. But I don't have that table. Maybe if I install L2OFF and check on SQL. That list must exist, but it'll treat items as ID as well, so eh, quite a pain. There's a lot of npcname floating around with full goodies spoils on mobs titles, just google it.
I use my own one, few spoils only.:P NITROUS SYSTEM on July 16, 2007, 12:35:27 PM. Greetings, everyone!
(That's another method to cause the same effect, so I'll set up a new thread.) Since the mob names of the treasure boxes got fixed (now they're sharing the same name with the regular treasure chests), it is not possible, to distinguish between Treasure Chest (eating your DX Chest Keys attacking you, dropping same crap as a regular mob) and a Treasure Box (opens, if you use such a key, drops enchants / high amount of adena). Well, actually you can use the IG walker, as already mentioned in the existing thread, to see the boxes on the map / on the moblist, but this is kinda dumb, in my opinion (I got pissed after a few boxes). So I edited the npcname-e.dat. Result: Just place this file into your './Lineage II/system/' dir and start the game. Now you also can set up a regular ingame macro to locate the (good) boxes (/target Treasure Box). But remember: If you pop a box, there's a 50% chance, that this spot gets blocked by a bad one (Chest).
So if there are too many chests in your area, just send some of them back to hell. Then some good ones (Boxes) can spawn.;3 Working with C4off servers. - Berry File URL: (that's not a forum link) for C4 File URL: (also not a forum link) for Interlude File PW: thxjack.epvpftw are these links working? I want one for interlude server ssasori on October 06, 2007, 08:47:11 AM. I'm having some trouble with this on interlude. I first use l2encdec to decode npcname-e.dat and then l2dat_full to decode it to txt. I open the file and edit the mobs I want.