Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger v1.2.2 Incl Expansion MacOSX-iND. Meet our new alpha and omega of synthesis: Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger is here! The most versatile and best sounding synth you will ever encounter. Dec 15, 2010 - Vengeance Producer Suite: Philta XL for PC and Mac (VST/AU) is available to purchase for 49 EUR incl. Note: requires Syncrosoft USB.

Features: - VST / PC & Intel Mac VST / AU & AAX – runs in all compatible hosts. - 64- bit and VST3 standard (64- bit is required). - over 900 factory presets. - 620 multisamples. - 218 special samples (attacks, noises). - 154 resampler waves. - 168 drumkits, 168 drumsequences.

- 596 wavetables. - thousands of OSC shapes (waveforms) available. - 30 fx types (incl. Analog chorus, Reverb, Phaser etc. From ArtsAcoustic). - 47 Filtertypes. - up to 1000 playing oscs with one note possible.

- resampling / wavetable generator built in. - freeform OSCs. Draw your own waveforms. - alias free OSCs, Wavetables, FM and AM modulation. - powerful and easy drag and drop mod matrix. - resizable vectorized GUI (4k ready).


- undo feature. - comfortable preset search system / tag cloud. - 8 arps, drumsequencer, 8 step sqs, 18 envelope generators. - 16 individually routable sub outs into your DAW’s mixer.

- macro controllers assigned in each preset, for quick sound changes. - external MIDI controllers and pedals support. Evoscan keygen crack serial.

- free routable fx busses and send effects. - customizable LFOs, 4 shaper modules (distortion units on OSC level). - many unisono features: chorder and our own invented “V- Saw” supersaw. - key- and velocityzones. - import your own (multi) samples, drums, wavetables or OSC waveforms. - MIDI learn function (connect your external MIDI gear with Avenger). Year / Release Date: assembly – September 26, 2017, manufacturer – 09.2017 Version: 1.2.2 Developer:, Developer’s site:, Format: VST, VST3, AAX Count: x64 Tabletka: Not required System requirements: Windows 7 and higher.